Up next:
Click on the image to the right to view the adopted Comprehensive Plan.
Thanks to a dedicated effort from staff, officials, the Steering Committee and many other members of the community, Brentwood Borough's new Comprehensive Plan is in effect. Follow progress on these projects on the Borough website!

What comes next?
Help us decide.
The Borough is creating an Implementable Comprehensive Plan that will guide policy priorities, budget decisions and land use regulations for years to come – and it will be based on the input of those who live and work here.
Over the next 18 months, the Borough will work to learn what issues and opportunities are the most important for the community to address during the next decade and devise effective targeted strategies. The end result will be a detailed playbook for getting projects underway and improvements made.
This planning effort will be crowd-sourced, as public input will form the foundation of the plan and will help decide which local issues become priorities. Key issues could include such topics as:
Supporting and growing local business opportunities
Increasing walkability
Mitigating traffic and parking issues
Stabilizing and beautifying neighborhoods
Maintaining environmental assets
Planning for future infrastructure needs
Stormwater/flooding issues (is a stormwater fee necessary?)
Zoning and code matters
Civic life and events
Recreation opportunities (maybe a new walking trail and/or park in the Hollow)
Other issues or ideas within the purview of local government.